AML/CFT Audits
AML/CFT Audits are required every three years. 2Compli have provided AML/CFT Audits to a range of reporting entities since 2018.
2Compli offer two types of AML/CFT audits, which are:
Reasonable Assurance Audit – which measures adequacy of meeting the Act and the effectiveness of the reporting entity meeting its obligations on a day-to-day basis. Our customers receive feedback and recommendations to help the reporting entity identity changes to improve their overall effectiveness.
Limited Assurance Audit – which measures Adequacy of meeting the Act and how effective the reporting entity is in meeting its obligations on a day-to-day basis. It does not provide feedback or recommendations. A Limited Assurance audit is good for reporting entities who are confident with their Policy, Procedures and Controls, and have previously been audited and met both the Adequacy and Effectiveness measurements in meeting the Act,r