Choose the experts and become confident in your compliance.

2Compli provides customised training to assist our customers to meet their AML/CFT obligations.
Our approach to training has been developed, refined, and tested over the last ten years.
Our approach is to work with our customers to identity their learning gaps and agree on learning objectives.
Our training is then matched to meet these objectives, resulting in targeted training to upskill our customers quickly and effectively while being cost effective.
Our training delivery will depend on your needs and budget, and could include a mix of these options:
Face to face
Structured learning, or more casual questions and answers.
Structured leaning objectives, 90% interaction and scenario-based learning.
Video Conference
Scenario based with question-and-answer sessions. Highly interactive.
Case studies
Working in groups using case studies relevant to the reporting entity.
We will adapt the learning content and approach to tailor it to your business and your people to meet their needs in learning for effective outcomes.